wear a hair band with a ribbon/put some clips in it.
or last resort:
wear a hoody. till it grows back.
Good luck.Last week I went to hairdresser to cut my hair but she cut it very bad and ugly and 5days later is my birthday
3 words for you.... wear a hat! haha.
Youch !
Ughh best you can do it wear one o those cool hats !
No, dont wear a hat or a hoodie, those are too noticeable.
However, I would say go out and purchase a cheap wig that looks like your old hair. Your hairdressers might even have something.
If not, just wear it like it is. If someone makes fun of it, or makes a comment just ignore it. People are real low, and have very little self worth nowadays, and someone who needs to ';kick you when you are down'; (for example) is not worth any time of yours.
wear a wig
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