Monday, January 18, 2010

Warts i started with one now i got 13 on one hand and im a hairdresser im embrassed to go to the doctors?

what can i do to get rid of them quick as possibleWarts i started with one now i got 13 on one hand and im a hairdresser im embrassed to go to the doctors?
hello im sure the best thing to do is to go to the doctor and have them frozen off you will need to explain that your a hairdresser(i am too)and its really important how we look for our jobs(a lot of docs say leave them)there is wartner that you can buy, it's about 10 pounds in asda boots/chemist etc and that will treat 10 but i think if you use that you can only treat 3 at a time...the doctors though have super freeze stuff much stronger than wartner good luck!

duct tape is another option look on net duct tape and wart removal but this will be harder as they are on your hands.Warts i started with one now i got 13 on one hand and im a hairdresser im embrassed to go to the doctors?
hey, as im training to be a hairdresser if my teacher saw them do u think she will have a word with me. im right handed and there on my right hand so i never use that hand much and neva show them.

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Get COLLIODIAL SILVER or Liquid Silver. Put that on a cotton ball and put it on the warts then cover it with a band-aid. Do this 2-3 days in a row and they will be gone. My dad had a wart on his thumb for 13 years and did this and it went away.

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