Friday, January 15, 2010

I`ll only ask this once more, why oh why does the hairdresser have to say , are you going out tonight?

like the only time you want your hair nice is if you are going out Hello!!!

Hairdressers are lovely people but please stop saying this.I`ll only ask this once more, why oh why does the hairdresser have to say , are you going out tonight?
awe they do not know what else to say?I`ll only ask this once more, why oh why does the hairdresser have to say , are you going out tonight?
It used to aggravate me like mad (when I was working) but the hairdresser I have at the moment just says ';short as usual?'; which is fine by me. Unfortunately, she is having to sell up as this is the wrong area to make a profit from english customers.
If we swap hairdressers that should ease the situation, at least for a while. I get fed-up of mine asking ';Day off today then is it?'; and ';Have you had your holidays yet?';
Of course there is always

Have you been on holiday

It's the same for taxi drivers when people use their cabs they ask

Have you been on long

have you been busy

What time do you finish
It's a good conversation starter.
You goin' on yer 'olidays this year? Oooh, anywhere nice?
They're just making conversation, hon. :)
My daughter is a hairdresser - she says they ask this just to make conversation and be friendly :)
Better than,'Something for the weekend'? When you know damn well his condoms are so old,they're made out of sheep gut!
Just because they are weird LOL
A good question, Why are you getting your hair done, if you're not going out (on the town)....!!
They're just trying to make conversation I guess..
I've never been asked that.
no dont be stupid they want to know if you are not at home they rush there to rub you

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