Wednesday, May 12, 2010

When you go to the hairdresser, do you like it when they make small talk..?

or do you wish they would just shut up and cut your hair?When you go to the hairdresser, do you like it when they make small talk..?
i dont like it, sometimes im not in the greatest mood and they are just yacking away asking all sorts of questions, i am polite but i just dont answer in a way that would lead to to think i want to make conversation with themWhen you go to the hairdresser, do you like it when they make small talk..?
LOL you think they're talking to you but they're actually trying to act nice to get more tip :) seriously though the hairdresser asks me all types of questions but yet i see her head going back and forth from the entrance door to my head.. guess its all about the cash ahaha
I hate it. It makes me really uncomfortable.

Cause they ask all the penetrating questions and I'm just like, ';wtf?! whats it to ya!?';

Like they really just want to get to know you and see into your soul.

It creeps me out.

Sooo I just pretend to text or something..

Haha. :)
I love it when you can vent to your hairdresser, then seem to listen to you and share with you how you are feeling and really give good advise
well i really like wen they talk to me .i find it really boring wen the dont talk !:P
actually i went yesturday %26amp; got alot of my hair cut off :) looks good %26amp; yeah i like when they small talk unless im in a b*tchy mood then i just want them 2 stfu %26amp; cut my hair lol
Depends on the person! If you can tell they're forcin it I'd rather they'd shutup and just do the job, lol. Otherwise I'm happy to chat away.
I like it... especially if they have an outgoing personality.
it's nice

but i don';t like it when they do it when there is a lot of noise

because im constantly saying PARDON, WHAT?

hope this helpss :) x
I like it! I go to the same lady all the time so we love to share our stories with each other
I wish they'd just get it over with
Yes I wish they'd just concentrate on my hair.
I don't really like it. It makes me worry they'll mess up with my hair. o.O
I like it, it's like a bartender lol i take advantage of it and i spill my whole life story haha
Shut up and cut my mutha phukin hair.....

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